Friday 16 July 2010

Pete Fraser.

On Wednesday 30th of June Pete Fraser, an examiner, came into our lesson and gave us a better insight into Media Studies at A2 level. He showed us some previous blogs and ways of making our blogs better. He talked about using other technologies to put on our blog, including voice recordings, video recordings and pictures as well as links to other websites.

An interesting website he talked about was This website is one that lets us make a visual presentation online. I think this is a very useful thing to be able to use and it adds to the different ways of documenting our progress in this unit of work. I hope to use it soon in this course.    

Our Task.

Starting A2, our assignment is to create a horror movie trailer and front cover. We will be filming, starring in and creating this trailer in our groups. Knowing this, I took into consideration what other horror movies were like, so I started looking more in depth at the trailers of them and the front covers. I looked up Horror movie trailers on the internet ( iTunes Horror Movie Trailers ). By doing this I got to see what professional horror movie trailers look like and how I could create a trailer equally as professional. We were also given the links to previous A2 blogs. This really helped me understand what to do and what not to do.