Thursday 9 September 2010

Trailer Titles Typography.

The colour and font of a film title can hint to what the film is about and create a certain effect. The use of the words can also add to this desired effect.

This is the title/poster for the film 'The Sixth Sense'. Firstly when thinking of the phrase 'The Sixth Sense' I know the film will include supernatural elements. This phrase is written in quite a simplistic font with extended ends and is in white on a plain black background. I believe the colour of the title makes it stand out and clear. It is very bright and is almost like a light, perhaps symbolizing death (the light at the end of life). The simplicity of the font makes it very eerie and hints at a child being involved in the film. Putting this all together I can then picture what the film may entail.

This is the title/poster of the film ‘Final Destination’. Hearing the phrase I believe there are many possible situations that could happen in the film. The first thought I get is that it is about a journey. Possibly a journey where something happens or goes wrong. Looking deeper into it I split the two words apart. Starting with the word ‘Final’ I think about the end of an experience or death. With the word ‘Destination’ I purely think of a place where someone is or wants to be. Therefore putting the two words together I believe the film will be about death and where it all happened.
Looking at the font, it is quite plain and underlined. I think this symbolizes the importance of the title. I don’t believe it needs much added to it as the words explain it all. The deep red of the font, could symbolize danger in the film as red is normally associated with blood.

This is the title/poster for the film ‘Happy go lucky’. The first thing I thought was this film is a light hearted, happy film and perhaps maybe even a comedy. The words are very positive and have no sad or negative atmosphere to them.
Then looking at the title itself it is written in big, bold, red font. The font itself is not sharp at all and is very soft round the edges, which makes me think it is definitely not a horror or thriller. Although it is in red, which is usually associated with danger, the red of this title makes it look happy and lively as it is placed on a white background rather than a dark one. This title seems to be a very obvious one.

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