Monday 29 November 2010


To keep all of pictures we took in one place, I made a Flickr account. This will make it easier to see them all at the same time and for others to see them as well.
My Flickr Account.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Health and Safety.

As any professional production company does, we had to be careful using our location so we did a health and safety check. I work at the location that we decided to film at, so therefore I know the building very well.
I filled in a table that stated:
  • The hazards
  • Associated risks
  • Persons at risk
  • Control measurements
  • Consequence rating
  • Likelihood rating
  • Risk rating

As I know the building so well, I know that I once made a diagram of the whole building and labeled where all the fire exits and fire extinguishers are. I thought this would be good to look at and show everyone involved in the filming. 

Friday 19 November 2010

New Cast.

Joey and I are both still in the trailer. I am still playing the character of Vanessa, but Joey is now taking on the role of Morgan the boyfriend as well as the killer. 
Edward Roberts as Jacob.
Jacob is now going to be Vanessa's little brother. We thought this would make the trailer a little more like a horror as in a lot of horror films there is always that one vulnerable character and who is more vulnerable than a child. 
Edward has a very innocent, cute look which is perfect for his character.

Ashlee Sutherland:
Ashlee will now be playing Emily. She has a tough, tomboyish look with a weird coloured hair which is very similar to Hollie. This is perfect as we do not have to change much for her character. 

Set Backs.

The day of shooting arrived and Joey and I had received some bad news. Our lead actor (Hollie Bowden) had some family commitments and was unable to make it. Obviously this was devastating news as she had the perfect look for the character ‘Emily’ but fortunately I had an actor friend that lived not too far from our location that had a similar look. Thankfully she was available, so not much had to be changed. Unfortunately as time went on another actor (Kyle Lo Monaco) revealed he was unable to attend the filming. As there was so little time, we really had no idea what to do as it was the only day we could have the location. Joey and I then agreed to change the synopsis a tad, and use my little brother to star in the trailer. We thought it would work because there are children in many other horror films and we would like to repeat this convention.
In real life situations, things are not always going to go the way we plan them, just like this situation but you have to get over them and plan ahead, which we did. I now have to make some changes to some of the planning I did.


Thinking about our magazine cover, we had to think about many things such as: 
  • Title
  • Image
  • Other wording 
  • Other pictures
The Title is the most important thing on the cover of the magazine beside the main image. We decided to make our title very bold and noticeable, just like the one in the above image. 
The main image on this magazine is very gory and detailed. We want to challenge this convention by having a very commercial picture on the front of our magazine, such as a posed picture of the cast rather than a still of the actual film. 
Other Wording:
This magazine has some words around the side of the image but hardly any over the image itself. We want to resemble this as we think the image will be very striking and important.
Other Pictures:
Unlike this magazine cover, we do not want any other images on our magazine cover as we believe (as we said before) the main image can stand on its own. 

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Filming Schedule.

To make sure we get everything done in the time we had to film, we arranged a filming schedule. It tells us what time we shoot each shot, what/who is needed in terms of props and characters and where it is shot. We think this will make filming a lot quicker and more efficient and therefore we can get a lot more done. 

Monday 8 November 2010

Possible Titles.

Deciding what the name of our film was going to be was a very hard and important decision to make. We thought about what would relate to the film's synopsis without giving too much away. 
Throughout the year there are specific times when a horror movie comes out. At times the name of this film will determine when it will come out by having a date or time in it such as 'Friday the 13th', 'Halloween' and 'My bloody valentine'. Using this as inspiration we thought of many names that we could use that had a time in. 
These are the names we came up with:
  • Final Curtain Call
  • Final Show
  • Play Date
  • Closing Night
We then thought of names of the film that didn't include a date, but related to our them/USP. Our unique selling point is that it is set in a theatre. 
Therefore here are the names we came up with:
  • Kill the Lights
  • Break a Leg
  • Curtain Call
Although we liked all these options, we then came up with a final decision. The name of our film was going to be related to our theme of the theatre but also include an element of horror and fear as well. The name of our film is
Stage Fright.

Friday 5 November 2010

Storyboard animation.

Our Characters/Actors.

Hollie Bowden as Emily.
Emily is the fearless one. She is the one that suggests going into the Theatre in the first place. Nothing scares Emily and she is very outgoing. Emily is the lead character and the remaining girl in the end. This is a convention used in Horror movies which we have decided to repeat. 
We thought Hollie Bowden would play Emily very well as she has the tough, fearless and strong look that we imagined Emily to have. 

In terms of research, the character Emily is similar to any remaining girl in Horror movies, such as Sidney in 'Scream'. She is the one that fights her way to the end, just like Emily does.

Joey Jarossi as Jacob.

Jacob is the unusual one. He is smart and quite afraid. This character is one often used in Horror films. In our film, the twist is that Jacob is also the killer. This seems very unlikely due to him being very scared at the beginning and seeming very vulnerable. 
Joey Jarossi (my partner) would play this character very well as he is very intelligent and can give off the perfect atmosphere. Joey has a  good looking, different look that emphasises how smart he is and also how he can be quite a freaky character. 

This character is similar to Damien in 'The Omen' as he is a strange boy and as time goes on he is revealed as the bad guy.
This character is also a masked killer, which is a convention used in horror movies frequently. 

Kyle Lo Monaco as Morgan.
Morgan is seen as the popular, good looking, typical "jock" character. He is the brightest character but everyone wants to be friends with him. Morgan is not scared and has a slight power over other characters. This kind of character normally goes out with the typical "popular" superficial girl which is why Morgan is the boyfriend of Vanessa.
We thought Kyle had the perfect look. He is good looking, athletic and stylish and we believe he can make Morgan exactly how we picture him. Kyle can easily play a ladies man and a caring boyfriend.

The character Morgan is similar to Carter in 'Final Destination' as he is the typical boyfriend.

Jessica Stevenson (Me) as Vanessa.

Vanessa is the typical popular girl in all horror movies. She is the one that is not the smartest out of all the characters and has very little knowledge of what is going on until the worst happens. Vanessa is very focused on her image and mainly on her boyfriend, Morgan. We thought I would be able to play this character well as I can show my affection. We also wanted to challenge the normal horror movie convention of having a beautiful blonde girl and use someone who was not conventionally pretty with red hair.

Vanessa's character is very similar to Terry in 'Final Destination' as she is the typical girlfriend to Carter, whom Morgan's character resembles.