Friday 19 November 2010


Thinking about our magazine cover, we had to think about many things such as: 
  • Title
  • Image
  • Other wording 
  • Other pictures
The Title is the most important thing on the cover of the magazine beside the main image. We decided to make our title very bold and noticeable, just like the one in the above image. 
The main image on this magazine is very gory and detailed. We want to challenge this convention by having a very commercial picture on the front of our magazine, such as a posed picture of the cast rather than a still of the actual film. 
Other Wording:
This magazine has some words around the side of the image but hardly any over the image itself. We want to resemble this as we think the image will be very striking and important.
Other Pictures:
Unlike this magazine cover, we do not want any other images on our magazine cover as we believe (as we said before) the main image can stand on its own. 

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