Monday 8 November 2010

Possible Titles.

Deciding what the name of our film was going to be was a very hard and important decision to make. We thought about what would relate to the film's synopsis without giving too much away. 
Throughout the year there are specific times when a horror movie comes out. At times the name of this film will determine when it will come out by having a date or time in it such as 'Friday the 13th', 'Halloween' and 'My bloody valentine'. Using this as inspiration we thought of many names that we could use that had a time in. 
These are the names we came up with:
  • Final Curtain Call
  • Final Show
  • Play Date
  • Closing Night
We then thought of names of the film that didn't include a date, but related to our them/USP. Our unique selling point is that it is set in a theatre. 
Therefore here are the names we came up with:
  • Kill the Lights
  • Break a Leg
  • Curtain Call
Although we liked all these options, we then came up with a final decision. The name of our film was going to be related to our theme of the theatre but also include an element of horror and fear as well. The name of our film is
Stage Fright.

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