Friday 19 November 2010

Set Backs.

The day of shooting arrived and Joey and I had received some bad news. Our lead actor (Hollie Bowden) had some family commitments and was unable to make it. Obviously this was devastating news as she had the perfect look for the character ‘Emily’ but fortunately I had an actor friend that lived not too far from our location that had a similar look. Thankfully she was available, so not much had to be changed. Unfortunately as time went on another actor (Kyle Lo Monaco) revealed he was unable to attend the filming. As there was so little time, we really had no idea what to do as it was the only day we could have the location. Joey and I then agreed to change the synopsis a tad, and use my little brother to star in the trailer. We thought it would work because there are children in many other horror films and we would like to repeat this convention.
In real life situations, things are not always going to go the way we plan them, just like this situation but you have to get over them and plan ahead, which we did. I now have to make some changes to some of the planning I did.

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