Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation Question 1:

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge frms and conventions of real media products?

Director's commentary.
Joey and I did a director's commentary where we slowed down our trailer and talked over it, explaining where we used, developed and challenged conventions of real media products. 
In many of the horror movie trailers I looked at during my research and planning, there were conventions I knew Joey and I would use such as short, fast paced shots to increase tension, an establishing shot, single lines to establish characters and shocking titles. These are conventions we used to make our trailer resemble many other horror movie trailers. 
Usually horror movies are based around teenagers. We stuck to this convention to some extent as our target audience are teens and horror movie fanatics, but we added a Unique Selling Point (USP). Our USP, besides it being set in a theatre, is that we used a significantly younger child in our trailer and in this trailer it shows a clip of him drinking alcohol. This is to signify the increase in underage drinking today. It is also to shock the audience and make them want to see the film as the trailer never really shows what happens to the young boy. 

The Magazine Cover.
This Prezi presentation I made shows how we mainly stuck to conventions used on horror movie magazines. I personally felt this was the best way to promote our film and this was proved true from our audience feedback we collected.

The Movie Poster:

I believe our movie poster uses many conventions used in professional horror movie posters such as font, images and production details. When we asked our peers to give feedback on it, they said that our poster really represented a horror movie.
Our trailer really portrays a horror movie. The dark and fast scenes increase the tension and suspense which is what the audience want. It keeps them wanting more and makes them want to go see the film. The thing about horror movie trailers that the audience love is the thrill and fear of it. I feel we have really captured this in our trailer.  

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