Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2:

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
To promote our new horror movie, Joey and I created many different ways of getting it out and seen by our peers and the public.  
Marketing campaign
View more presentations from jessicajazz.

Recognition of genre:
After people watched our trailer, they said the genre of the film was really obvious. This was the main aim of the trailer and to attract our target audience. According to our target audience, our movie poster and magazine cover also represent the horror genre. 
Using websites such as Facebook and Youtube made our campaign more accessible to our peers. We found it the easiest way to get our campaign seen as most teenagers use the internet these days and teens are our target audience.  

To promote our campaign, we wanted to find something unique about our trailer to use. Our Unique Selling Point is that it is set in a theatre. We also used the fact that our trailer is very British. Using these facts gave us the chance to reach out to a wider audience; not only those that like horror movies but people that are interested in drama and especially British drama. In terms of our trailer being British, it is very similar to Danny Boyle's 'Shallow Grave'. The pace is very similar and the shots we used are very similar. You can notice the film is British from the trailer, just like you can with ours. 

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