Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4:

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
First of all, Joey and I did some basic research into horror movies using the internet. We used iTunes Horror Movies to look at horror movie trailers and increase our knowledge of typical conventions used in them. I believe this helped us a lot in the construction of our trailer as we got to look at horror movies from the past, present and future and use that to make ours appeal to the future generation. Using the internet made our research and planning a lot easier.
To begin filming Joey and I decided we would use his own camera and tripod so that we weren't stuck with the responsibility of someone elses. This made it a lot easier to film as we already knew everything about that specific camera and no more time was needed to learn about it. After filming, we used iMovie HD to do the editing. This gave us the chance to make our trailer look more professional and detailed by adding in titles, music and pictures. Due to our research we knew roughly what we wanted our trailer to look like and iMovie let us do this. Before this task, I had never used iMovie before, so it was all very new to me. Thankfully Joey has had previous experience in this piece of software so he taught me a lot. At first, we just messed about whilst editing. It gave us the chance to see what the trailer would like with and without certain shots, with different length shots and different amounts of shots. The purpose of this was to see what worked best. Whilst doing this, we realised short quick shots worked to build the tension in the trailer which was a convention we saw in other horror movie trailers. I found iMovie the best way to edit our trailer. It did everything and more to help make our trailer look exactly how we wanted it to look.
In terms of our Movie poster and Magazine cover we used Adobe Photoshop to create the perfect poster and magazine cover. During our research we looked at many magazines and movie posters. Before this task, I had used Photoshop before so I found this task a lot easier than the editing of the trailer. I also knew how to use to download fonts and use them in Photoshop. Although I was confident using Photoshop, there were some things I was not sure on doing. Things like adding emphasis on certain parts of the images without it looking fake was very hard for me but after a lot of trial and error with the opacity it worked very well. 
Whilst making my blog, I was worried about making it varied in terms of the ways I communicate with the viewer (i.e. presentations, videos, posts). I am very proud of my blog as I managed to use websites that I had not preivously used such as and I personally found using these websites very hard but managed to overcome this difficulty and persevere.

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